Bowwow Powwow by Brenda Child, Red Lake Ojibwe, translated by Gordon Jourdain, Lac La Croix First Nation, and illustrated by Jonathan Thunder, Red Lake Ojibwe, in English and Ojibwe, is a First Nation Communities Read book for 2019. This story celebrates the history of Ojibwe song and dance, past and present through the story of Windy Girl and her vivid imagination. Travelling with Uncle and her new good and brave dog, Itchy Boy, her Uncle shares stories with her about the powwow when he was a boy. At the powwow Windy Girl and Itchy Boy enjoy the day well into the evening and fall asleep under the northern lights after listening to singing and watching dancers. It is Windy Girl’s dream about a special powwow that is the inspiration for Bowwow Powwow and the images that also carry the story. This is a 2019 American Library Association Notable Children’s Book winner.